
Come Thirsty

The ‘Come Thirsty’ group meet fortnightly on Thursdays. Ladies meet between 10 -1030am for an informal cup of tea/coffee & chat before going through to a quiet room for Bible /book study & a time of prayer. We have a team of volunteers who help in the creche & look after the babies & toddlers so mums can enjoy some time out for a wee while. In the group we have studied various topics such as parenting, marriage, discipleship, personal Christian walk & some women of the a Bible.We often watch a short DVD relevant to the subject & then have a discussion time. We are a relaxed & informal group – not just for Christians – anyone is welcome – you will receive a warm welcome!

Home Bible Studies

Bible Study groups meet once a month at various homes. The discussions usually are connected to topics considered in the regular preaching of the minister. Each meeting occurs in a relaxed atmosphere and opportunity is also given for prayer together as a group.


Those fellowships meet on the last Sunday of the month, following the evening service. Each fellowship lasts from about 19.30-20.45. First, we have some sandwiches and cakes, then a brief time of singing, and then we listen to an invited speaker. Often the speaker gives an account of his or her personal relationship with Jesus. At other times, they may report on missionary activities or other areas of Christian work.