

Each year we have the pleasure of welcoming the surrounding community of Hilton and Castle Heather to our community carol service. Hilton and Cauldeen Primary school choirs provide us with wonderful singing, and young folk from the congregation read passages from the bible. There is also an interactive talk aimed at the children but enjoyed by all ages, retelling the story of Jesus’ birth and its ongoing relevance for us today. Refreshments are then enjoyed afterwards in the church hall with the children enjoying plenty of their favourite treats in the church classrooms.

Grace and the gap

The Fund was set up to aid people in the local community who are in need. Through working with local services, gaps in service provision have been identified, which the fund aims to fill! Some examples are emergency supply of baby toiletries, or electricity credit. The Fund is accessed by referral from a service that can verify your situation. Each individual/family can access the Fund up to 4 times per year. The priority areas are our immediate communities of Hilton, Castle Heather & East Ness. However, if our resources allow, we can help further afield.